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Sunday, July 24, 2011

Craters of the Moon/Jackpot, NV/Shoshone Falls

This weekend was a little nuts.  Saturday we went to work til noon and then left for Craters of the Moon about an hour from work.  This place is an old lava flow area that has some crazy looking landscape.  Black glassy silvery rock everywhere and caves made out of lava tubes, some of them collapsed.  We spent about 3 hours or so here going through some of the caves and driving around the open half of the loop.  There were a few hikes, but we didn't do them this time.  Maybe if Vanessa and I go back.

After Craters of the Moon, we drove to Twin Falls and ate a really good dinner at Jaker's.  We left and headed for Jackpot, NV.  The place is small, two of the four casinos are about the size of my house, the other two were respectable, but still pretty small (I was just in Vegas two weeks ago, so that's my reference point.)  I played some Blackjack, went up and then went down, as usual lost some money, but it was fun.

We stayed at Barton's Club 93 (creepy as shit hotel rooms).  Won't be going back there...

The next day, we went to Shoshone Falls back in Twin Falls, ID.  That was awesome.  Pretty big falls in a big gorge.  Saw my first double rainbow! I'll probably head back at some point to do the hikes there.

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